Hawai’i Environmental Education Alliance (HEEA) is a great resource for teachers and those interested in learning more about environmental issues and education. Their mission is to promote and develop high quality Environmental Education by building relationships to improve networking and professionalism throughout Hawai’i. To learn more and visit HEEA’s website click here.
- Watershed Demonstration Kit developed by East Maui Watershed Partnership
- Click here to view a display about our watersheds and how we manage them (can be used as handouts or to create posters). First panel (what is a native forest and its role in our water); Second panel (what we do to manage native forests); Third panel (how you can help)
- Partnership for Reform Through Investigative Science and Math (PRISM) – a UH Hilo and Dept. of Education Partnership that brings college professors and graduate students together with K-8 schools to improve interest and performance of K-8 students in math and science. Three Mountain Alliance works with PRISM to develop curriculum for their teacher workshops.
- Ohia project provides teacher curriculum focused on natural resources in Hawaii
- East Maui Watershed Partnership developed teacher resources
- State Division of Forestry and Wildlife teacher resources covering Hawaii forests and wildlife
- Terrestrial and aquatic species fact sheets about Hawaii’s native species
- To determine how much water you use, visit waterfootprint.org
- In 2007, the American Museum of Natural History in New York opened an exhibit focused on water, its beauty and wonder and the challenges for protecting this life-giving resource. To visit the exhibit, click here
- Images of Native Hawaiian forests and species available for educational use at Hawaiian Forest
- Science related lesson plans for K-12 education
- Images of native plants, click here
- Last Stand: The Vanishing Hawaiian Forest by The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii
*Note: Information posted on this page is meant to provide resources and are not necessarily endorsements of institutions, products, or services.