
Volunteering, Research, and In-kind Services

Check out our news feed for current volunteer opportunities throughout the state.

Volunteer opportunities can range from field work (e.g. outplanting native plants, pulling invasive weed species, surveys, etc.), office based work (e.g. grant writing, research, developing outreach materials, legal reviews, building databases, etc.) or something as simple as referring a friend and sharing the work of the partnerships.

Additionally, individuals or organizations/companies that have technical expertise to provide in-kind services are also appreciated in the areas of fencing, invasive weed control, GIS and mapping, developing outreach and education campaigns, fund-raising, comparative legal analyses, regulatory compliance, and management related research and training.

  • Click here for a list of current opportunities
  • Click here to view a less than 2 minute video to see others who have joined to help malama our watersheds (recommend viewing in full screen for sharper images and remember to turn on the sound).