Wai‘anae Mountains Watershed Partnership
History & Mission
Working together to protect, restore, and enhance the Waianae Mountains watersheds while incorporating traditional, cultural and community values for future generations.
The overall goal of the Wai‘anae Mountains Watershed Partnership (WMWP) is to cooperatively develop and implement management strategies for the Wai‘anae Mountains, mauka to makai. The partnership will bring people together to responsibly manage watershed areas, native species and their habitats, and historical, cultural and socio-economic resources for all who benefit from the continued health of all of the Wai‘anae Mountains ahupua‘a.
- Board of Water Supply
- Department of Land and Natural Resources
- Gill-Olson Joint Venture
- MA`O Organic Farms (Waianae Community Re-Development Corporation)
- US Army Garrison Hawaii
- Navy Region Hawaii
- Kaala Farms, Inc.
Our Logo
Coming soon!

Management Priorities
- USFWS Schoolyard Habitat – building and maintaining Oahu Public School Nurseries at Mililani Middle School, Kapolei High School, Pearl City High School, Nanakuli High School and Waianae High for the purpose of introducing native plant species to school campuses and reforestation in Oahu’s forested Watershed
- Forest Service State and Private Forestry Grant – Waianae Kai fire presuppression, reforestation and ungulate control.
- Aerial Imagery Weed Mapping and Control
Ecosystem Highlights
Coming soon!
Top Threats
Coming soon!
Waianae Area
Coming soon!
How You Can Help
Coming soon!
News, Updates, Job/Volunteer Openings:
To learn about additional opportunities, follow us on Facebook and Instagram:
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/WMWPhawaii
- Instagram: @wmwphawaii
Media Gallery
Coming soon!
- Coming soon!
Contact Information
Yumi Kam
PO Box 893504
Mililani, HI 96789
Social Media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WMWPhawaii
Instagram: @wmwphawaii