Helpful Links
Hawaii Links
Water Resources Research Center
State of Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife
Hawaii Mapping and Biodiversity Program
Hawaii Biological Survey
Hawaii Weed Risk Assessment
US Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Islands
Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk
Hawaii Invasive Species
Pacific Basin Information Node
NRCS Hawaii Soils
State of Hawaii Dept. of Health Clean Water Branch
Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program
Hawaii Watersheds
CTAHR Hawaii Water Quality Extension Program
Hawaii State Legislature
Hawaii’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
US Geological Survey Pacific Islands Water Science Center
US Geological Survey Pacific Islands Ecosystem Research Center
Raising Islands – Hawaii Science and Environment
Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and their Aquatic Resources
Hawaii’s Federally Threatened and Endangered Species
Federal Tools for Partners and Landowners
Plants of Hawaii
Malama Hawaii
Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit
Coral Reef and Assessment and Monitoring Program Watersheds
CTAHR Forestry Extension Program
Native Hawaiian Plant Images
EPA Project Specific Hawaii Watershed Information
State Department of Agriculture (both plant and animal regulations)
Hawaii list of noxious weeds
Plant Extinction Prevention Program
Hawaii State GIS program (repository of statewide GIS layers)
Rare Hawaii (information on feral ungulates)
EPA Hawaii water quality assessment and TMDL information
The Hawaiian Historical Society
Report a Pest (early detection)
National Park Service’s Inventory and Monitoring Program
Native Plants Hawaii
Biocontrol in Hawaii
Photos of native plants in Hawaii, Professor Gerald Carr (UH Botany)
Mainland Links
Center for Watershed Protection
EPA Watershed Academy
USGS Cooperative Water Program
EPA Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
EPA Watershed Central (resource center for watershed management issues)
EPA – How Climate Change Affects Water Resources
Watershed Support Network
Conservation Funding Board (searchable database of grants)
International Links
World Water Council
Ecosystems Services Experts Directory
Global Restoration Network
Earth Portal
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
*Note: Information posted on this page is meant to provide resources and are not necessarily endorsements of institutions, products, or services.