Everyday Actions
Everyday Actions You Can Take to Mālama Our Watersheds
- Learn about your own watersheds by going out with your island Watershed Partnership and learning about what they do. Visit individual Watershed Partnership pages for information and contacts.
- Similarly, take a hike in your watershed by enjoying one of the state’s many hiking trails. Information can be found at the Na Ala Hele website. Or learn about the native habitats and species found in our watersheds by visiting the Hawaii Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy for island descriptions and individual species fact sheets.
- If you are planning to hike in forested areas, prevent the spread of weeds by checking your hiking boots, clothes, and gear to make sure you aren’t carrying weed seed hitchhikers.
- Maintain fences to keep farm and pet animals out of forests
- Support quarantine and invasive species prevention initiatives and programs. To learn about state restricted plant and animal lists and regulations, visit the State Department of Agriculture (both plant and animal regulations) and the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council’s list of invasive species profiles.
- Attend public meetings or hearings to support watershed management efforts (we can let you know about such opportunities if you join our watershed information network by contacting hawpcoordinator@gmail.com)
- Conserve water resources by monitoring your water use and cutting back by taking shorter showers, not letting water served at restaurants go to waste by refilling your cup and not drinking it, planting xeriscape plants to cut down on garden/lawn watering, and recycling the water you use for other purposes
- Share with others (e.g. friends, family, educators, legislators, etc.) why you think protecting our forested watersheds is important (see our watersheds page for reasons).
- Ask your nurseries not to sell invasive plant species or your landscaper not to use invasive plant species. Support the buying and planting of native plants. The Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii maintains a list of invasive plants to avoid and other useful guiding documents. Not sure if the plant you want to buy is invasive or not? You can find out by visiting Plant Pono. If you or your nursery/landscaper do not see the plant listed, you can contact the Hawaii Weed Risk Assessment by emailing hpwra@yahoo.com with either the botanical name or photo.
- If you see something (e.g. animals, insects, plants, etc.) that looks like it doesn’t belong and is not native to Hawaii, call it in at 808-643-PEST (808-643-7378). Visit https://www.643pest.org to report species and learn more about species that have been reported per island on the Data Dashboard.
- If you see someone or something that might be negatively impacting forested watershed areas or rare species on state lands or state protected species, contact the State Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement hotline at 808-643-DLNR (808-643-3567).