In September 2016 Hawai`i will welcome 8,000 participants from over 160 countries at the IUCN 2016 World Conservation Congress. Although the Congress sessions will be held at the Hawai`i Convention Center, we have the opportunity to bring the Congress to our communities via excursions and pre and post experiences, and to share how Hawai`i is incorporating modern science and indigenous knowledge in the spirit of true Aloha to help preserve and sustain our environment and our culture. It will also be an opportunity to learn from conservation experts around the world of their challenges and best practices.
The 2016 WCC Hawaii Host Committee is inviting those that are interested in hosting the participants of the IUCN 2016 World Conservation Congress to submit their proposals for excursions and pre and post experiences by filling out this form .
The selection timeline for the excursions and pre and post proposals is as follows:
September 4, 2015: Date due for proposals.
September 8-16, 2015: Review and vetting of proposal by each county
September 17-28, 2015: Review and selection of proposals by the Host Committee Programs Excursions and Pre/Post Working Group and IUCN.
October 9, 2015: Launch of the registration web site.
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SUBMITTED OR ARE PLANNING ON SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSALS THROUGH YOUR COUNTY/ISLAND: Please check with your county contact to see if you will be included in their information, or if you should submit directly via this form.
Kaua`i: Margaret Clark – (
Maui: Rob Parsons – (
Hawai`i (Big Island): Ross Birch – (
O`ahu – Please submit your proposals via this form.